How to Publish a research paper
By Robert Enslin | Last Updated - April 2014 | Tags - how to write a research paper ,preparing for research article, how to publish paper in international journal, scholarly journal, academic journal,publishing in journals
“ This article will help you to write and publish your research paper. For Research Scholars doing Phd it is mandatory to publish their research papers at international level academic Journals or scholarly (Peer Reviewed) journals. And Many of the students who will apply for further studies in technical courses will discover that relevant published research papers help during admission process.So here I am trying to post some guidelines that you can follow … ” 1. Preliminary The first activity for publishing a technical paper is to figure out your technical area of interest. Make sure the you had carried out enough studies on basics of that topic. Then you have you to update yourself with the ongoing technical happenings in your chosen field. You can do this by 1) Reading and googling a lot of technical papers. There are a lot of journals and IEEE papers floating around in net. 2) Go to one or more conferences, listen carefully to the best talks, and find out what people are thinking about. Once you are done with the above mentioned steps, then you are eligible for writing a paper 2. Read existing Papers Read everything that might be relevant gives you different perspective of the focus topic. But be selective too, for not getting to much deviated from you topic of interest. Getting used to simulation software is much useful for simulating your work. You can find a lot of time during the days and utilize those holidays & free days.
3. A jump start
10. Anatomy of Paper
11. The procedure 17. Common mistakes Wrong sequence in Figure and Table numbering Misalignment of columns Usage of figures from another paper without credit and permission 18. Where to publish Generally, there are three main choices: * National Conference: A conference is the right place for beginner scholars, since the level of scrutiny is minimal. The conferences will accept papers which details about the comparison of existing technologies, mathematically proven but practically unproven proposals, etc. * International Conference: A conference is the good play ground for Intermediated scholars. This mostly same as National Conference but the securitization will be more. Conferences offer rapid time-to-publish, plus you will often get feedback on your work when you present it. Page lengths and acceptance standards vary widely from conference to conference, but generally conference papers are shorter than full journal papers. * Journal: Journal papers are generally the Alfa and Omega of publishing papers and they are considered as more prestigious than conferences. |