This research aimed at investigating the relationships among some selected cases of diseases: Hepatitis (A, B, C) and Liver Cirrhosis. Secondary data was used and the data was collected for eleven consecutive years (2011-2021) from the record department of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Zaria, Kaduna State. Analysis was carried out using Spearman Correlation and Friedman Test. The result obtained from the spearman correlation showed that Hepatitis A has a low relationship with other selected diseases. It was equally revealed from the Friedman test that the variations in the selected cases of diseases are not the same and using post hoc test, it was discovered that Hepatitis A is the major significant difference. It was recommended that Awareness and enlightens on improved personal hygiene, targeted vaccination campaign and intensive community health education should be given to the public that could be of help to prevent and control liver cirrhos