ABSTRACT This study assessed and compared the functional properties from modified cassava starches which include ash content, pH, moisture content, gelatinization temperature, swelling temperature, swelling power, swelling volume and solubility with native starch. The modified starches showed great improvement in gelatinization temperature from starch modified with sodium acetate, ammonium phosphate, sodium acetate neutralized with fumaric acid and sodium acetate neutralized with adipic acid having the values of 790C, 750C, 710C, 720C respectively as compared with 680C of the native starch; solubility values of 66.7%, 39.1%, 22.4% and 37.06% respectively as compared with 0% of native starch; pH values of 7.54, 7.13, 7.05, 7.01 respectively compared with 5.41 of native starch; moisture content values of 11.45%, 13.05%, 14.35%, 13.50% respectively compared with 10.00% of native starch. However, modified cassava starches showed decrease in ash content with values of 0.03%, 0.12%, 0.18%