Assessment Of The Impact Of Builders In Bridging Skill Gap For Improved Construction Site Efficiency

The aim of this research is to examine the impact of Builders in bridging skill gap in the building construction industry in view of improving construction site efficiency. Purposive sampling technique was used to deliberately select a population of 91participants among construction professionals to whom questionnaires were administered and a sample size of 74 was obtained using Taro Yamane formula. Data obtained from the questionnaire survey was analyzed using descriptive and quantitative statistics such as simple percentages, frequency tables, content and narrative analysis, relative importance index (RII), mean score index (Mx) and component factor analysis to compliment a successful data analysis and presentation. It was revealed from the result of the study that, community outreach and awareness programme (RII= 0.93), training and mentorship programme (RII= 0.93), ranked highly significant as ways builders contribute in bridging skill gap in the industry. The research established

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